Error Code 0x80070424 with Windows Firewall and “Base Filtering Engine Service” Not available in services database list. Firewall Missing from services.

Windows 7

Recently, many customers reported the Windows Firewall issue. This seemed to be caused by a wide spread malicious application.


The error message “Windows Firewall can’t change some of your settings. Error code 0x80070424” will pop up when you try to change the Windows Firewall settings. In the meantime, when you restart the system, it might pop up an error saying that “Base Filtering Engine Service” could not be found in the system.

Please note that the same error code could pop up when you try doing anything in Windows Defender.

This error happens after using antivirus to remove a (security windows7 virus or malware)

to repair this error you need to repair 2 keys in windows registry, if you need help to fix this error please call us

we can help you fix this error.

Alpha Computer Support, Inc.



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